Meet Our Team of Legal Editors
Our team of legal editors are trusted authorities in their fields, and they contribute to the accuracy, quality and integrity of our content.
Our experts include renowned legal professionals and advocates who have vast experience in different types of laws including but not limited to criminal law, family law, prduct liability law, immigration law, personal injury law, and many more. They have spend a huge part of their professional life fighting for their clients’ rights and justice.
Our team of legal experts share our mission to provide trustworthy, current information to serve your needs. All of them have worked with us for several years.
Legal Experts
Our legal editors have decades of experience in their areas of legal practice. Their accomplishments include published articles in peer-reviewed legal journals and textbooks, speaking engagements at legal conferences, various awards and prestigious research grants from different organizations.
Attorneys who work with us have helped win over a billion dollars in settlements and jury verdicts for thousands of clients. Their fellow lawyers have voted them among some of the best lawyers in the nation. They add expertise, authority and unique insight to Legal Giant’s legal information.
Legal Giant works with U.S ABA-certified attorneys to review our legal information for accuracy and quality.

Expertise and Authority You Can Trust
Legal Giant works only with experts who have impeccable credentials in their field to provide you with expertise and authority you can trust. We vet each legal expert with criteria in the following areas: education, formal training, credentials, membership in professional societies, objectivity and reputation with clients and peers.