Legal Giant Editorial Policy

Legal Giant’s editorial policy outlines the process we take to ensure all content published on our  site is accurate, objective and trustworthy. Our mission, vision and duty to our readers guide our published content. Our policy provides information on our editorial team, our professional experts and the guidelines for the types of content we publish on our site.

On This Page

The Legal Giant editorial team fulfills the public trust and consumers’ expectations by creating content of the utmost integrity and quality, and this is our promise to our readers.

All information published on Legal Giant is provided free of charge. The content is accompanied by the author’s name, contact information and a short biography as well as a list of sources so the public knows who wrote the content and that the information came from reliable sources.

Legal Giant declares these principles as the foundation of our reporting and writing and encourages their use by all members of our editorial team and our expert contributors.

While Legal Giant’s content is accurate, fact checked and sourced from medical and legal experts, it is not a substitute for medical or legal advice.

Our partners are top law firms specializing in differnt practice areas. Visitors do not need to use our partners’ services to access our informational resources for free.

When visitors call the phone number listed on one of our pages or fill out a free case review form, a law firm representative connects them with the appropriate legal professional.

Legal Giant has no knowledge of discussions between our legal partners and site visitors and does not have access to any materials provided by visitors to our legal partners.

While our legal partners contribute to the information on our site, they do not control the content we publish. The opinions of our writers and experts are not necessarily those of our legal partners.

The Legal Giant editorial team chooses the topics it covers and remains responsible for the integrity, accuracy and quality of the site’s content.

The Editorial Team

Our editorial team understands that pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices and procedures can be beneficial and even life-saving. However, in some rare cases, they can also cause serious harm. Risk information can be difficult for the average consumer or health care professional to find, and manufacturers may overemphasize the benefits and downplay the risks of a drug or device.

Legal Giant writers and editors strive to empower consumers by providing accurate information to help them work with their health care providers and make educated choices about their health care.

Our writers act with integrity and compassion. They are highly experienced and take full responsibility for the accuracy of their work. This means that they strive to remain objective about the risks and benefits of prescription drugs and medical devices.

Information about the side effects and risks comes from reputable sources, such as peer-reviewed medical journals, published clinical trials or FDA-approved drug labels. In addition to reputable medical information sources, they gather their information from trusted news outlets, government reports, court records, and interviews with experts and patients.

Currently, no member ofour writing team is a doctor or lawyer and therefore cannot offer medical or legal advice. Content writers can, however, connect patients to resources, such as support groups, petitions, and experienced drug and device lawyers. Legal Giant writers are encouraged to broaden their knowledge through online certification programs as well as by attending medical, legal and writing conferences.

Legal Giant Content Writers

  • Verify information before posting it
  • Use original sources when possible
  • Collect, update and correct information throughout the life of a page
  • Always attribute and identify sources clearly
  • Amplify the voices of patients
  • Serve as watchdogs over government and hold those in power accountable
  • Use sensitivity in dealing with patients and their loved ones
  • Promptly answer questions about accuracy and clarity
  • Never deliberately misrepresent facts, distort context or oversimplify
  • Never plagiarize

Topics Covered

Legal Giant offers reliable information on the severe or life-threatening risks associated with certain drugs, medical devices and procedures. It also reports on the latest drug and device-related news.

We provide educational content on U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) processes, drug and device recalls, side effects and health conditions, lawsuits and settlements; and health information specific to a person’s gender, age, health status and sexual orientation.

Legal Giant Audience

Our audience includes, but is not limited to:

  • People who were injured by a drug, medical device or procedure
  • People whose loved ones were injured by a drug, medical device or procedure
  • People who are considering a medical procedure
  • People who are curious about pharmaceutical drugs available or prescribed to them
  • People who want to learn more about the FDA and pharmaceutical companies
  • People who want to know more about certain health conditions
  • People who want to find out their legal options
  • People who want to file a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company
  • People who want to take action to mitigate problems related to the pharmaceutical industry
  • People who want to sign a petition or join a support group
  • Members of the media, researchers and experts

A Legal Giant expert or contributor can be a person who is an expert in his or her field, such as a medical professional or attorney, or someone who has firsthand knowledge of the topic at hand, such as a patient or a patient’s loved one.

Opinions of Legal Giant contributors are their own, based on their own knowledge and experience, and do not automatically convey the perspective of Legal Giant. It is not Legal Giant’s practice to pay experts for their contributions, though there have been cases in which consulting fees have been paid in exchange for experts’ services.

Experts may contribute to the site by reviewing medical or legal pages, by providing information and quotes for articles or writing guest content.

Legal Giant edits guest content for grammatical errors and may choose to re-organize the content for clarity. We may also edit for Search Engine Optimization purposes. Prior to publishing, we will send the edited copy to the expert for approval.

Although Legal Giant does not typically pay experts for their contributions, there have been exceptions. Experts who are paid to produce articles and who write for Legal Giant on a regular basis will be asked to sign freelance and noncompete agreements and submit a 1099.

Doctors or public figures are exempt from noncompetes. Other guest contributors may receive a 1099 and freelance contract depending on how many pieces Legal Giant anticipates receiving from them.

Legal Giant medical and legal experts are respected, highly qualified professionals in their field, either medical or legal. Our editorial team reviews experts’ resumes and credentials, including education, formal training, awards won, memberships in professional associations and reputation among clients and peers.

The team also conducts a telephone interview with each expert. During the phone call, both sides can ask questions and determine whether the relationship is a good fit.

News Posts

Legal Giant news articles are relevant to the topics covered on and should support the brand’s mission as a watchdog of the FDA and advocate for consumers.

All news posts include the author’s name and the name of the attorney who reviewed the work before publishing. Rarely, writers or editors may update news posts after the original publication date to correct erroneous or outdated information. The reason for the change or update will be noted on the post.

Meta Data

All content on Legal Giant is accompanied by a meta title that supports the topic of the page. The meta title is almost always different from the page heading.

Content also includes a meta description, which is information that assists people in selecting the page from a listing of search results. The meta description should accurately reflect the page topic.

Author credit is displayed at least once on every page. The credit includes a short biography and a link to the author’s biography page.

Tone and Engagement

Legal Giant aims to be an authoritative voice in the health information industry while providing highly personal and engaging content. Our editorial team sets out to ensure all content is clear and easy to comprehend. Legal Giant should appear practical, serious and academic, but also supportive, helpful and compassionate.

The Legal Giant editorial team should include videos, podcasts, quizzes, polls and other engaging elements whenever possible. Our writers welcome emails, tweets, Facebook messages and phone calls from visitors to the site and vow to respond quickly and to the best of their abilities.

Visitors to are invited to share Legal Giant content on social media and with their communities. Any republishing of our content should be properly attributed to Legal Giant preferably with a link to the original content.


Anyone who visits should be able to assume that every word between quotation marks is what the speaker or writer said.

However, Legal Giant does “clean up” quotations if the grammar is unsuitable and may omit extraneous syllables like “um.” Our editorial team is permitted to adjust spelling, punctuation, capitalization and abbreviations within a quotation for consistent style.

A change should not be made if it would distort the context or misrepresent facts. Whenever an edit is made, both the writer and editor must determine that the intent of the original speaker or writer has been preserved.


Legal Giant’s preference is to do its own reporting and to verify facts through its own methods. However, when a Legal Giant content writer uses facts gathered by other organizations, such as newspapers and magazines, we attributes them. Legal Giant does not treat other people’s reporting as its own.

Editorial Control

Legal Giant operates independently of our legal partners. We do accept funding from limited advertising, but are firmly committed to ensuring that advertisers do not have any influence over the content we create and share with our readers. All editorial control remains within the Legal Giant team.

Our content writers are  always encouraged to pitch new story ideas.


To educate consumers on drugs, medical devices and procedures, and help them make informed decisions about their health care; to provide a platform for people to share personal stories about the harm pharmaceuticals, medical devices and procedures may cause; and to empower people to take legal action for their injuries, report side effects, connect with support groups and petition for change.

All content published on Legal Giant undergoes a thorough fact-checking and editing process to ensure it is accurate, reliable and the best product for our audience. The content must present information in an original manner and be relevant, interesting and useful to the audience.

Accountability and Corrections

Legal Giant writers hold themselves accountable for the accuracy of their work. We recognize the ethical responsibility to correct all factual errors. If we identify a factual error, we will correct the error. Visitors to can let staff know of a possible inaccuracy by sending an email to [email protected].


We obtain our photos from public records or from iStock, an online, royalty free stock photography provider. We only use photos that fall under creative commons licenses and does not use photos labeled “not for profit.”

Legal Giant will not take photos from a person’s social media account without permission. It will only publish photos of patients, experts and other sources or contributors when given permission to do so.


Legal Giant is dedicated to protecting visitors’ privacy. In order to use our services, visitors voluntarily provide the information requested on the site such as name, address, telephone number and email address. This information is only used to provide visitors with the service they requested, such as a free case review.

Although Legal Giant may use a visitor’s email address to send news or information about our services, the site will not share any personal information with a third party unless the visitor authorizes it. For more detailed information, please review our privacy policy.

Social Media

Legal Giant employees are allowed to associate themselves with Legal Giant when posting on social media, but they must clearly brand their online posts as personal and purely their own. Legal Giant should not be held liable for any outcomes the employees’ personal social media posts may generate.

Content pertaining to sensitive information should not be shared on social media. Disclosing information that is financial, operational and legal in nature as well as any information that may violate the trust of patients who confide in Legal Giant is prohibited.

Employees should observe proper copyright and reference laws when posting online. Legal Giant does not tolerate dishonorable content such as racial, ethnic, sexual, religious and physical disability slurs.

Linking Policy

Legal Giant encourages outside organizations and nonprofits to link to our content if they are high authority, reputable, health or legal in nature, and share the same vision and goals as Legal Giant.

We always link out to government websites, nonprofit pages, medical journals, support groups and other verified sources. Legal Giant does not link to competitor websites or sources that lack credibility.

Our editorial policy was drafted using principles adopted and published by reputable media organizations.


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