
What Kind of Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

What kind of cancer does Zantac cause

Zantac, a popular heartburn and stomach acid medication, has been associated with a significant increase in cancer risk. The kind of cancer Zantac can cause is frightening.

In 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled ranitidine (Zantac’s generic name) and other over-the-counter stomach acid medications owing to this increased cancer risk. Unfortunately, millions of Americans had probably been exposed to this life-threatening carcinogen by then.

Zantac class action lawsuit lawyers are helping victims and their families seek justice and financial compensation. You may file a Zantac lawsuit if you have developed cancer after taking Zantac.

Read on to understand your legal options and the kinds of Zantac-related cancers for which you can seek compensation.

What Is Zantac?

Zantac is a well-known, regularly used, over-the-counter, prescription drug that treats heartburn. Its generic name is ranitidine.

The drug was first released in 1981 and became the most popular prescription medication globally before being made available over the counter in 1988.

Even though several other drugs surpass Zantac in terms of effectiveness, it is still commonly used and is less costly. With over 15 million prescriptions dispensed in 2016, Zantac was the country’s 50th most often prescribed drug.

However, the production and distribution of this popular drug stopped in September 2019 when it was discovered that it contained the toxin N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).


Even at low concentrations, this nitrosamine impurity may cause cancer in humans. The FDA is yet to determine how long ranitidine has had NDMA due to a lack of sufficient scientific data.

Contact your doctor or another healthcare provider to explore your treatment options if you currently use this medicine or have previously taken it. Afterward, speak with a lawyer specializing in harmful medications to determine your next steps.

Zantac Carcinogen: What Is NDMA?

N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is an odorless, yellow liquid compound found in the air, water, and soil. It is produced through many manufacturing procedures, including water chlorination.

NDMA is considered a human carcinogen that can cause cancer to those who consume it in substantially high amounts.

Foods that contain sodium nitrite as a preservative, including cured meats and fish, can also produce NDMA when cooked. It can also be found in the following:

  • Cheeses
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Rubber products
  • Tobacco smoke

According to FDA preliminary testing, some ranitidine and Zantac samples have greater NDMA concentrations than food. NDMA is classified as a potential human and animal carcinogen despite the insufficiency of human research.

How ranitidine became contaminated with NDMA, as discovered in lab testing, is still a mystery. It is possible that ranitidine is unstable and degrades naturally to produce NDMA.

What kind of cancer does Zantac cause

The daily NDMA intake limit set by the FDA is 96 nanograms (ng). High levels of NDMA are produced when ranitidine interacts with the gastric fluid and sodium nitrites that help with digestion, according to studies.

Exposure to simulated stomach conditions causes ranitidine to produce about 304,500 ng of NDMA per pill.

It is also likely that generic types of Zantac produced in other nations with inadequate quality control measures are contaminated with NDMA. Based on an independent test conducted by the FDA, Pepcid, Tagamet, Nexium, Prevacid, and Prilosec drugs do not contain NDMA.

Zantac and Cancer: Why Is Zantac Still on the Market?

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, up to 60 million Americans experience heartburn each month. Given this information, it should be no surprise that pharmaceutical companies are taking advantage of their misery.

While dietary adjustments and stress reduction can help individuals reduce heartburn or even get rid of their symptoms, these measures take time to become effective.

Ranitidine, a generic version of Zantac, was the subject of a comprehensive investigation in 2019 by Valisure, an independent pharmacy. Their research showed that one ranitidine pill contains more than 300,000 N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) nanograms.

To break this down, the acceptable amount of NDMA in a single pill is 96 nanograms. So, the amount of NDMA in a single dose of Zantac was 3000 times higher than what the FDA considered safe.

The FDA removed all versions of the well-known heartburn medications from the market on April 1, 2020, for this reason. The FDA found that keeping Zantac on the market endangered the health and safety of consumers.

NDMA’s Link to Cancer

NDMA, even in tiny doses, can cause cancer. The risk of developing cancer and other illnesses, including liver disease, increases with prolonged exposure to this chemical.

Research on rodents showed that NDMA consistently had a carcinogenic effect. Studies show that rodents have an increased risk of developing hepatic, lung, and renal cancers when they inhale or consume NDMA in drinking water.

NDMA is among the most formidable animal carcinogens now known to exist. It is a proven, formidable carcinogen for all the investigated species, with a single dosage and prolonged exposure to lesser levels.

Intriguingly, the metabolism of NDMA in rat and human tissue is the same. That explains why the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorizes NDMA as likely carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A). The IARC thus notes that NDMA should be treated as carcinogenic to humans in real life.

What kind of cancer does Zantac cause

Moreover, while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies NDMA as a possible human carcinogen, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has reasonable cause to think it is a human carcinogen.

In December 2020, a further investigation linked increasing NDMA concentrations to the breakdown of chemicals in Zantac.

Combining the results of this new study with those from Valisure reveals that Zantac turned into high NDMA levels that were approximately ten times the FDA’s allowed intake limit for NDMA. Additionally, they discovered higher nitrate concentrations.

How Does Ranitidine Cause Cancer?

Zantac’s main ingredient is ranitidine hydrochloride. Ranitidine belongs to the class of antacid medications known as H2 blockers.

Research relating ranitidine usage to bladder cancer was released by the National Cancer Institute in 2004.

Later in 2016, the Medical Journal of Carcinogenesis published another study that found that ranitidine use dramatically increases the amount of NDMA excreted in the urine.

FDA Investigation of Ranitidine NDMA Exposure

Testing by the FDA revealed that NDMA levels in ranitidine increase with time, even when kept at room temperature and under normal conditions.

The FDA ordered Zantac to be pulled off the market because of the potential for a known carcinogen to build up in ranitidine over a limited time.

What kind of cancer does Zantac cause

More and more evidence points to a connection between ranitidine and cancer. The relationship between ranitidine and other cancers is now being researched at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

They are looking for solutions to essential and worrying health concerns like:

  • Does Zantac cause cancer?
  • What is the Zantac cancer risk?

Zantac Origins

Before it became GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the Glaxo corporation produced ranitidine under the trade name Zantac. Additionally, there are firms like Sanofi, Boehringer, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals.

Zantac can be prescribed at even larger doses and is available over the counter at drug shops and pharmacies across the United States.

What Kinds of Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

Researchers and medical professionals are still compiling information on this emerging issue. However, the number of cancers linked to ranitidine usage is still growing.

Below are some of the common cancers linked to ranitidine and Zantac. Unfortunately, this list is far from exhaustive. It may take years or even decades before the medical and scientific institutions can conclusively identify all the cancer kinds that Zantac may have caused.

Stomach Cancer

This kind of cancer develops over a long period. It is commonly known as gastric cancer and involves the abnormal multiplication of cells in the stomach.

What kind of cancer does Zantac cause

Stomach cancer may result in stomach discomfort, heartburn, nausea, and trouble swallowing. The five-year survival rate for those diagnosed with stomach cancer is 70%.

Intestinal Cancer

The small and large intestines are susceptible to cancer when exposed to high NDMA levels.

Sarcomas, lymphomas, and carcinoid tumors can all be a part of intestinal cancer. The survival rate largely depends on whether cancer will spread to other body areas.

Colorectal Cancer

This kind of cancer first appears as a polyp in the colon or rectum. A polyp could grow into the colon or rectum wall over time, enabling cancer cells to invade the blood and lymphatic arteries.

These disease-carrying arteries can spread the infection to the body’s lymph nodes and other organs. Cancer is more likely to develop from larger polyps.

Esophageal Cancer

NDMA can stimulate the growth of cancer cells in the tissues of the esophagus, which can lead to esophageal cancer.

Men are more likely to have this, and it causes chest discomfort, heartburn, and difficulty swallowing. As a result, most of these people take additional ranitidine or Zantac to treat their symptoms.

Bladder Cancer

Early detection and effective treatment have an excellent success rate for bladder cancers. Signs of Zantac bladder cancer are painful urination and blood in the urine.

Liver Cancer

Cancer cells may grow in the liver or migrate from other contaminated sites to the liver, resulting in cancer.

Patients with liver cancer may experience stomach discomfort, weakness, and abdominal edema. Ranitidine usage increases the chance of developing liver cancer.

Prostate Cancer

The prostate, a walnut-shaped gland in men’s pelvis, is a potential home for cancerous cells. Malignant growths, the second-leading cause of cancer-related mortality in males, can result from prostate cancer.

This cancer grows slowly and often causes erectile dysfunction and painful urination.

Pancreatic Cancer

An estimated 47,000 people die from pancreatic cancer each year, making it one of the deadliest types of the disease.

What kind of cancer does Zantac cause

Due to its subtle symptoms and frequent late-stage diagnosis, it frequently has fatal consequences. Skin itchiness, eye yellowing, and stomach ache are typical symptoms.

Breast cancer

This malignancy causes abnormal cell development in the breasts. Because ductal carcinoma necessitates the growth of cancer cells in the breast ducts, using Zantac may raise the chance of getting this condition. Every year, more than 180,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer.

However, men may also be afflicted. Zantac may make you more likely to develop the ductal carcinoma subtype of breast cancer.

Nasal/throat Cancer

The flat cells that line the throat are where this cancer develops. Coughing, voice changes, and sore throats are among the symptoms. This is more common in those with GERD.

Additional cancers linked to Zantac include:

  • Leukemia
  • Brain cancer
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Islet cell tumors
  • Kidney cancer
  • Thyroid cancer

The Link between Zantac and Breast Cancer

There is anecdotal proof that links Zantac usage with breast cancer. A 2008 study found that ranitidine and Zantac more than doubled the risk of developing ductal cancer.

This increase was observed in men and women alike. This is the most prevalent breast cancer type in the U.S. and accounts for 20 percent of all new breast cancer cases.

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A Florida man filed a Zantac lawsuit in 2013, claiming that the harmful medication was the cause of his breast cancer. He had been using Zantac for his heartburn daily for four years before his diagnosis.

The Link between Zantac and Liver Cancer

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has warned that NDMA can harm people’s and animals’ livers. Researchers are now looking at the connection between taking Zantac and cancer development. They firmly think there is a causal relationship between Zantac and liver cancer.

What kind of cancer does Zantac cause

The liver, along with the heart, is one of the most vital organs in the human body. The liver cleans toxins from the body and filters blood as it circulates.

The spread of cancer cells to the liver frequently starts in other parts of the body. Loss of appetite, upper abdomen discomfort, jaundice, vomiting and nausea, and white, chalky stools are all signs of liver cancer.

Common Zantac Cancer Symptoms

It’s crucial to be aware of cancer signs if you or someone you care about uses Zantac or has in the past. Understanding these signs may help you live longer. Make an appointment with your doctor to get checked for cancer caused by NDMA so that you can start treatment before the condition becomes worse.

Typical signs of Zantac cancer include:

  • Poor appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Bloody stool
  • Change in bowel habits
  • Anemia symptoms
  • Back pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Urine incontinence
  • Dark urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Painful urination
  • Yellowing of the eyes or skin
  • Itchy skin

Consult your doctor immediately if you notice these Zantac cancer symptoms. If you’ve ever used ranitidine or Zantac on a prescription or over the counter, you should also speak with a product liability lawyer.

The Damages Caused by Zantac Cancer

Those who used Zantac and developed cancer frequently experience damage. One of the most serious diseases a person may have is cancer, which can cause various damages that can significantly change a person’s life.

No matter what kind of cancer you get from using Zantac, you will probably be able to sue for several damages in a product liability Zantac lawsuit involving this harmful medication.

Economic Damages Caused by Zantac Cancer

A cancer diagnosis spurred by Zantac can leave even people with good health insurance and ample resources completely bankrupt.

Economic damages are the cornerstone of every personal injury litigation and refer to the monetary losses brought on by the injury.

Medical costs are one of the most significant economic losses brought on by Zantac cancer. Even well-prepared people may not have enough money to cover the cost of cancer treatment.

The price of ongoing therapies, medicines, and regular medical visits may pile up over time in addition to the initial treatment expenditures.

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Individuals with Zantac-related cancer may also have to cope with the income they lost out on due to their condition.

Due to the devastating consequences caused by cancer, a person may completely lose their employment and not be able to work in a profession requiring years of education and training.

When someone cannot work due to Zantac, their full earning potential might be compromised. The situation may worsen if they are the family breadwinner and have many dependents.

You can seek compensation for the following economic damages caused by Zantac-related cancer:

 Non-Economic Damages Caused by Zantac Cancer

Not all losses are as straightforward to figure out as economic damages like medical costs or lost income, which may be done by looking at a few invoices or pay slips.

Some damages, known as non-economic damages, do not immediately result in monetary losses.

Cancer, whether caused by Zantac or another drug, frequently results in excruciating bodily and psychological suffering.

Like the financial losses brought on by Zantac-related cancers, this pain and suffering are worthy of compensation.

The sudden realization that you have cancer after taking Zantac can shock you entirely and change the trajectory of your life from that point. Being afflicted by such a debilitating illness might make it difficult for you to lead a regular life.

Your everyday life, mental health, and interpersonal connections may all be impacted. You can file a claim for non-economic losses brought on by Zantac cancer.

You might seek compensation for these non-economic losses in a Zantac lawsuit:

Are You at Risk of Getting Cancer from Zantac?

Zantac can have high amounts of NDMA, whose consumption has been identified to increase cancer risk.

Exposure to NDMA may raise the chance of developing several malignancies, including those of the tongue, esophagus, lung, pancreas, liver, kidney, and bladder.

What Are your Chances of Getting Cancer from Zantac?

Talk to your doctor about your fears of developing cancer after taking Zantac. There is no method for determining your potential risk.

However, it is known from animal studies that greater dosages and prolonged NDMA exposures increase the risk of developing cancer in test animals.

When tested on laboratory animals, liver tumor incidence increased, and survival rates plummeted dose-dependently.

Ranitidine Cancer Risk

The FDA has asked businesses to recall their ranitidine if testing reveals NDMA levels over the ranitidine-safe daily ingestion limit of 96 ng (0.32 parts per million).

The FDA advisory acknowledges that Zantac’s degree of NDMA contamination is negligible. However, certain levels were 3,000 to 26,000 times higher than the FDA considers safe.

If Zantac or ranitidine is kept at temperatures above room temperature or for an extended period, the level of NDMA in the product increases. Do you know whether the Zantac you purchased from Walmart was kept in a warm warehouse or at room temperature?

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Was the ranitidine you bought at Walgreens recently stocked, or had it been on the shelf for months? How long does it remain in your medicine cabinet when brought home?

The longer the product is stored, the higher the level of NDMA the tablets contain. Your risk of developing bladder, liver, breast, or even stomach cancer may increase.

Zantac Recalls in the U.S.

Drug manufacturers may initiate a voluntary recall to eliminate products that don’t meet FDA standards. Recalls protect the consumers from products that could pose a danger of harm or expose the pharmaceutical manufacturer to gross deception.

Distributors and manufacturers are free to initiate a voluntary recall at any moment. However, the FDA occasionally makes such a request. The FDA keeps an eye on the recall, nevertheless.

Zantac and ranitidine medication have both been the subject of multiple voluntary recalls. The FDA disclosed to the general public that ranitidine samples contained NDMA in the middle of September 2019.

The first voluntary recall related to this discovery was made on September 24, 2019, and Sandoz ranitidine capsules were recalled.

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Two days later, a voluntary recall was announced for over-the-counter ranitidine pills (75 mg and 150 mg) produced by Apotex Corp. and distributed by Walgreens, Walmart, and Rite-Aid.

Apotex and Navartis, two significant pharmaceutical firms, said in October 2019 that they were removing all generic ranitidine products available in the United States, both over-the-counter and on prescription.

The over-the-counter ranitidine medications Zantac 150, Zantac 150 Cool Mint, and Zantac 75 were voluntarily recalled later that same October by the pharmaceutical manufacturer Sanofi.

Ranitidine oral solution from Lannett Company, Inc. and the 150mg and 300mg capsules from Novitium Pharma were both subject to voluntary recalls during this period. Eight further recalls of ranitidine products were announced between November 2019 and January 2020.

When Do You Need to Hire a Zantac Cancer Lawyer?

You might need the support of a Zantac lawsuit attorney if you think that ranitidine or Zantac caused your cancer. Your Zantac attorney will assist you in demonstrating three things to advance your Zantac lawsuit:

· You Used Zantac or Ranitidine

Those seeking compensation for cancer brought on by Zantac must first demonstrate that they used ranitidine or Zantac.

The easiest approach to show this is to obtain medication records from your physician or pharmacy.

It could be challenging to demonstrate that you took an OTC drug, but with the aid of your personal injury attorney, it is possible by producing receipts and doctor’s statements.

· You Have Contracted Cancer

Zantac and ranitidine’s most well-known adverse effect is that they can cause cancer. So, to file a claim, you must show both that you have cancer and that it is related to NDMA.

The assistance of your attorney, physicians, and medical professionals will make it simple to meet these two requirements.

· You Contracted Cancer After Using Zantac or Ranitidine

The tricky part of any lawsuit is proving that using ranitidine or Zantac caused your cancer. Generally, information, research, and experts suggest the two are connected.

However, you must also demonstrate that you consumed sufficient amounts of the drug to make it risky.

Two factors that might support the allegation that Zantac use caused your cancer are how much Zantac consumed and how long and how long you used it.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Zantac Lawsuit?

The statute of limitations is the time limit during which a personal injury victim must file a lawsuit against the negligent party.

A person must file a lawsuit or claim four years from the event that resulted in the injury, as per Florida Statute 95.11.

It might be challenging to determine when the statute of limitations for a Zantac lawsuit begins since it is difficult to establish when Zantac caused cancer. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment you developed cancer if you used it more than once.

statute of limitations

Some firms contend that the statute of limitations should start counting as soon as the victim manifests cancer symptoms. Contact a Zantac cancer attorney as soon as you decide to pursue a Zantac lawsuit.

They can assist you in gathering evidence, establishing the other party’s liability, limiting your window for filing the case, and defending you in court.

Contact an Experienced Zantac Cancer Attorney

When you are ill, you rightfully assume the OTC medication in your cabinet, or the drug prescribed by a doctor is safe and will work as intended. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Individuals are injured by defective prescription drugs made by negligent companies yearly. A doctor’s negligence when prescribing a particular medication can also cause injury.

Medications like Zantac can potentially cause severe injuries to users. These users deserve compensation- they can seek damages if liable parties fail to take the proper precautions when making the drug available.

Legal Giant helps you hold these groups accountable for their negligence by linking you with an experienced lawyer. Our partner attorneys will help you recover compensation for the damages you suffered because of this negligence.

Contact us today to learn more about Zantac lawsuits.

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