Dog Bite Settlements California

According to, California recorded the highest number of lethal dog attacks in 2019, with at least nine deaths. The figure represented the highest record for a state in a single year.

The truth is that dog bites can be quite painful, terrifying, and disfiguring. Nothing prepares you for the endless rounds of hospital visits, fear, and the emotional upset you are likely to experience.

In some cases, you may require plastic surgery to restore disfigured body parts. So, if you have suffered a dog bite in California, you may be wondering what to do next to get justice.

If you are considering filing a dog bite lawsuit, you need to keep in mind that the earlier you get started, the better. An aggressive California dog bites attorney can help you get the rightful compensation that you deserve.

Overview of Dog Bite Law and Liability in California

It is critical to understand California dog bite laws before you start filing a lawsuit against the dog owner. When it comes to dog bites, California is one of the few “strict liability” states.

Being a “strict liability” state means the victim doesn’t have to prove that the dog owner was negligent. In this case, the injured person only needs to prove he/she was lawfully on the property at the time of the incident.

As long as the victim was not trespassing, the dog owner is automatically liable just by the simple virtue of owning the dog. This statute makes things easier for victims in dog bite cases in California.

Damages in a Dog Bite Lawsuit

There are two main types of damages one can be awarded in a dog bite lawsuit: punitive and compensatory damages. Punitive damages are intended to punish the defendant, while compensatory damages are meant to compensate the plaintiff for pain and loss.

In dog bite cases, the emphasis is put on compensatory damages because they tend to yield larger settlements for victims. However, this doesn’t mean you cannot seek punitive damages.

A successful dog bite lawsuit can help you recover compensation for all of your losses, including the obvious repercussions from the incident such as medical bills. The compensation may also include other losses that may not be so obvious such as emotional trauma.

Generally, the damages you can recover a dog bite lawsuit include:

  • Medical bills.
  • Physical pain.
  • Lost wages.
  • Reduction in your ability to earn a meaningful living.
  • Loss of consortium.
  • Emotional/mental suffering and anguish.
  • Property damage.

The good thing about California dog bite laws is that there are no damage caps to how much you can recover in a dog bite case. The jury is always free to award the victim as much compensation and punitive recovery as they deem right.

Call Legal Giant today so we can connect you with one of our dog bite lawyers and start processing your claim!

Dog Bite Settlements in California

Most dog bite cases in California end in a settlement. Therefore, it is critical to understand what a settlement is and how it works.

In simple terms, a settlement refers to an agreed-upon resolution between the plaintiff and defendant regarding the appropriate compensation amount. In most cases where the dog owner carries a home insurance policy, the insurance provider will be in charge of settling and paying the agreed-upon amount.

When the victim and dog owner agree on a fair compensation amount, legal documents are signed. The documents must be prepared by a California dog bite attorney to ensure their validity. Once the victim has received the compensation amount, they drop the case against the dog owner.

What Factors Determine the Compensation Amount?

Since every dog bite case is different, some essential factors play a critical role in establishing how much your case is worth under the California dog bite law. These factors include:

  • The age of the victim
  • Long-term physical injuries from the bite
  • How bad the dog bite was and the level of medical attention required to stabilize the condition
  • Long-term emotional and mental effects of the incident
  • Any prior attacks by the same dog and lack of preventive measure taken by the dog owner
  • Whether the victim was trespassing, and
  • If there was any permanent scarring and disfigurement from the injury.

What Is the Average Settlement Amount for Dog Bite Cases?

While the appropriate compensation amount varies depending on the severity of the attack, the average settlement amount per claim in California surpassed the $50,000 mark in 2019.

This represents a massive increase from previous years and indicates that dog bite settlement amount is on a sharp rise due to the rising medical costs. The compensation amount includes monetary compensation for lost wages, medical bills, emotional distress, pain, and suffering.

In one of the country’s standout cases, a Santa Rosa woman was awarded a combined $1 million settlement after losing her nose to a dog bite. Permanent disfigurement, broken bones, and scarring can drive the settlement amount through the roof quite easily.

What Can You Do to Improve the Outcome of Your Dog Bite Lawsuit Settlement Amount?

While you cannot control the jury’s decision, there are a few things you can do to ensure you receive the maximum possible compensation. They include:

  • Document the dog attack immediately it occurs. Write down what you were doing when the attack happened and where the dog owner was at the time.
  • Seek medical care. Ensure you inform your doctor that you were bitten by a dog and request a copy of all your medical records.
  • Report the incident to local authorities or animal control department.
  • Get the dog owner’s name and official contact.
  • Hire an experienced California dog bite attorney immediately. Keep in mind that the sooner you hire an attorney, the sooner he can start working on your case and collecting valuable evidence.

Speak to a California Dog Bite Attorney Today!

At Legal Giant, we understand the pain, stress, and emotional anguish you are going through. Therefore, if you want an attorney who will listen to you and fight for your compensation viciously, be sure to contact us now.

We shall set up an initial no-obligation review and advise you accordingly. Talk to us today and let us help you find the justice you deserve!

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