DUI Lawyer in Lawrence, NJ

Arrested for DUI in Lawrence, NJ? Read Our Guide to DUI Laws in Lawrence

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Getting arrested for a suspected DUI in Lawrence, NJ, can be embarrassing and intimidating. Moreover, it entails a series of complicated legal procedures you must understand to avoid a possible conviction. If you or your loved one has been charged with DUI, you need a highly experienced lawyer to explain the process and find ways of presenting your case in the best possible way. Our partner attorneys at Legal Giant understand what it takes to win a DUI case in Lawrence, NJ. From the initial arrest to challenging evidence against you in court, they will hold your hand throughout the process. We have a wide range of defense strategies available to individuals arrested and charged with DUI in Lawrence, NJ. We know the Lawrence court system inside out and will create a solid defense strategy to protect your rights. Contact us now for legal help you deserve!

Talk to a Lawrence DUI Defense Attorney Now!


  • Been arrested for suspected DUI in Lawrence, NJ? Our partner lawyers understand the legal process to help you win your case.
  • Time is of the essence, and don’t attempt to handle the case on your own. 
  • DUI penalties can be severe with stiff fines, jail time, and loss of driving privileges.
  • Your future, liberty, job, and quality of life are at stake.
  • You can challenge evidence presented by the prosecutor, question witnesses, and make plea deals.
  • There are various defense strategies available for DUI cases in Lawrence.
  • DMV must be petitioned for temporary reinstatement of your driver’s license after being charged.
  • It is important to hire experienced attorney who understands Lawrence’s DUI laws to protect your rights.

DUI Lawyer in Lawrence, NJ, Ready to Fight for Your Rights!

Being charged with DWI in Lawrence, NJ, is a serious charge with stiff penalties and life-altering consequences. We understand your situation’s urgency and are here to help you every step of the way. These charges are usually brought against good people who do not deserve to suffer. You might have simply made a genuine mistake and don’t deserve punishment. Keep in mind that your future, your liberty, your job, and your overall quality of life are at stake. Sometimes, you may even be accused wrongfully of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Time is of the essence, and don’t attempt to handle the case on your own. Instead, you need an experienced DUI lawyer to challenge the evidence presented against you and present your case in the best possible light. We are here for you! We will listen to your side of the story and offer honest advice so that you can make informed decisions about your next steps. Talk to us for legal assistance. Our attorneys will fight fiercely to protect your interests and build a strong defense on your behalf. We are here to ensure you get the rightful justice you deserve. Contact us now to get started!

Understanding the DUI Laws in Lawrence, NJ

Individuals suspected of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Lawrence can be stopped on any street or highway. It is not unusual to see traffic stops along major streets and thoroughfares due to the concentration of a relatively high number of entertainment joints in these areas.

When a law enforcement officers stop you, they may ask you to take a roadside sobriety test and/or breathalyzer. The results will be used in court as evidence against you.

Typically, you will be considered impaired if:

  • Your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is 0.08 or above.
  • The traffic officer is convinced you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, even if your BAC is below 0.08.
  • You physically appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, in the opinion of the traffic cop.

Your driver’s license is immediately suspended if you fail or refuse to take a sobriety test. Depending upon the circumstances, your license will be suspended for seven days (for first-time offenders) and up to 60 days (for subsequent offenses). Your license will also be suspended with immediate effect upon being charged.

The first thing you must do if you are charged with DUI in Lawrence is to petition the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for temporary reinstatement of your driver’s license. However, you must remember that ignition interlock devices will be installed on your car if you want to obtain a restricted license.

Things can be even worse if you are on probation when you are charged with a DUI offense in Lawrence. In such cases, the new charge will affect your probation negatively. Therefore, getting in touch with a DUI legal expert in Lawrence as soon as possible is critical.

How to Win a DUI Case in Lawrence, NJ

Most DUI cases in Lawrence are won and lost based on the facts presented in the courtroom. We understand that you are undoubtedly feeling stressed and worried. However, there are several ways to win a DUI case in Lawrence:

  • Challenge the evidence presented by the prosecutor, find holes in their argument, question witnesses who may have seen you driving while intoxicated, and make a plea deal or negotiate a reduced sentence.
  • Prove that the traffic officer violated your constitutional right or used an unfair sobriety test, which can result in the evidence being thrown out of court.
  • Challenge the reason for the stop and poke holes in police procedures. 
  • If you were involved in an accident but weren’t in the car when the arresting officer arrived, they have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you were the driver. 
  • Your defense lawyer may challenge the breath test machines or other devices used to administer the sobriety test. It is no secret that breathalyzers can sometimes create false positives based on a person’s diet, medical conditions, or radio frequency interference.

The bottom line is that it is important to have someone on your side who understands the intricate details of DUI laws in New Jersey to present you in court and ensure your rights are adequately protected.

Understanding the Penalties of DUI in Lawrence, NJ

DUI penalties in Lawrencecan be quite severe, depending on the severity of the offense and your criminal record. For instance, you could face imprisonment for up to 12 months if convicted. Apart from this, other penalties may include:
  • Hefty fines;
  • Loss of driving privileges;
  • Community service Installation of an ignition interlock device;
  • Forced enrolment to alcohol addiction treatment classes;
  • Ignition interlock;
  • You may also be charged with manslaughter if you kill someone while committing DUI/DWI.
Compensation amount
Anyone under 21 years convicted of DUI with as little as a 0.02% BAC can face a six-month license suspension, a $500 fine and jail time. It is important to remember that a DUI conviction stays on your criminal record for life, and it can show up in background checks. This means future employers, landlords, or even educational institutions can see it and make decisions based on the information they find. Therefore, if you have been charged with a DUI offense (DWI) in Lawrence, NJ, it is critical to contact a highly experienced lawyer to help you understand your rights and build the best defense strategy for your situation.

Hire the Best Lawrence DUI Attorney

The most important decision you can make for your DUI case in Lawrence, NJ, is hiring the DUI lawyer. This ensures you have a fair chance of having your charges dropped or reduced. The truth is that DUI cases involve a lot of science. The test reports, which form the main part of the evidence against you, must follow specific scientific principles and procedures for the results to be valid. A qualified DUI attorney will understand these principles and know how to challenge such evidence when presented in court. They can also provide invaluable advice on the best defense strategy for your case. When looking for a DWI attorney, it is important to do some research. Find out if they have experience in the local court system and how many cases they have won. Also, ensure they are familiar with DUI laws in Lawrence, NJ. The right attorney will guide you through the legal process and ensure your rights are fully protected. This increases your chances of getting a favourable outcome for your case. At Legal Giant, we specialize in finding you the best attorney for your DUI case when you need it most. Contact us to talk to the best Lawrence, NJ, DUI legal expert.

What Field Sobriety Tests Are Allowed in Lawrence?

One of the most common methods used by traffic police to establish if you are impaired is through field sobriety tests. These tests are commonly administered at DUI checkpoints and during traffic stops. Common field sobriety tests in Lawrence, NJ, include:

  • Walk-and-turn test;
  • Reciting the alphabet backwards;
  • One-leg stand test;
  • Finger-to-nose test;
  • Horizontal gaze nystagmus test;
  • Counting backwards.
Breathalyzer test

These tests are usually referred to as Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs). It is important to remember that you have the right to refuse a field sobriety test without facing legal consequences. Refusing a field sobriety test can help protect your rights if you are charged with a DUI later down the line.

Experienced DUI Lawyer Lawrence, NJ - Don't Face DUI Charges Alone!

If you have been charged with a DUI in Lawrence, NJ, it is important to consult an experienced attorney as soon as possible. An experienced lawyer can help you build the best strategy for your case and ensure that your rights are fully protected.

Our partner lawyers have extensive background and knowledge of Lawrence’s DUI laws and years of experience handling DUI cases in the city.

They will use their experience to fight your charges and get the result that is best for your situation. Contact us below to speak to a qualified Lawrence DUI attorney today.

Get the DUI Help You Deserve!

We are ready to fight for your rights. When your freedom is on the line, you need a Lawrence DWI defense lawyer.

Our Highly experienced DUI lawyers have expertise in the following criminal law cases as well:

  • Felonies
  • Firearm offenses
  • Fraud
  • DWI cases
  • Violent crimes
  • White collar crimes
  • Theft/burglary
  • Drug crimes
  • And many more!

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