Zantac Lawyer Alameda, CA
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Best Alameda, CA Zantac Class Action Lawyers
The makers of Zantac, a popular over-the-counter and prescription heartburn medication, are facing a class-action Zantac lawsuit claiming the drug contains unsafe levels of the cancer-causing substance N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported an advisory on September 13, 2019, after discovering the carcinogenic contaminant NDMA in ranitidine, the active ingredient in Zantac, at levels between 3,000 to 26,000 times higher than FDA approved standards.
How can Zantac lawyer in Alameda, CA help?
The makers of Zantac, a popular heartburn medication, are facing class-action lawsuits claiming the drug contains unsafe levels of the cancer-causing substance N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). Plaintiffs accuse drugmakers Sanofi and Boerhringer Ingelheim of manufacturing and marketing a medication they knew, or should have known, to be contaminated with the cancer-causing chemical without disclosing the risks to consumers or the government.
Alameda Zantac lawyers have filed class action lawsuits have been filed alleging that Zantac users in Alameda California have been exposed to unsafe levels of n-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). If you took Zantac and have been diagnosed with bladder cancer or stomach cancer, we will work to seek the following damages for you:
- Medical expenses resulting from injuries
- Pain and suffering, both physical and mental, caused by the injuries, treatment, and recovery period
- Wage loss, loss of earning capacity
- Loss of enjoyment of life resulting from damages
A class-action lawsuit can help those affected by NDMA levels in ranitidine. A successful class-action lawsuit can help those who used Zantac get back the money they spent on the medication while making a stronger litigation case against manufacturers. This can help ensure stronger future consumer protections, updated labeling, and recalls of drugs with adverse levels of NDMA.

Zantac Attorneys in Alameda, CA
Suffering from Zantac related injuries in Alameda, California?
Your Alameda Zantac lawyer will help you to identify who holds liability for your injuries. You will need to begin gathering evidence as soon as possible to support your claim against this liable party. This evidence will help to prove the total cost of losses that you endured as a result of your injury, also known as your damages. In many personal injury lawsuits, the injured party will choose to file for both compensatory damages and punitive damages. After assessing all damages that you incurred, your Alameda Zantac attorney will file a complaint demanding compensation to repay your damages.
Chances are a Alameda lawyer will handle your Zantac®/ranitidine lawsuit on a "contingency fee" basis. This means if you reach an out-of-court settlement, or your lawsuit goes all the way to trial and you receive a judgment in your favor, your lawyer will be paid a percentage of what you receive—usually around one-third of the total. If you don't receive anything from the other side, your lawyer doesn't get paid..
What should I know about Zantac lawyers in Alameda?
These suits have just begun. But plaintiffs' lawyers speculate that a settlement of the Zantac class action lawsuit could be worth many billions of dollars. Our attorneys are vigorously investigating these lawsuits. The basis for these suits is based in part on this drawing on your right. The Zantac defendants had opportunities to protect consumers along the way. But they drove through every stop sign. Why? Maximizing profits. A Alameda Zantac attorney can defend your rights and get your compensation. Our attorneys have handled hundreds of class action lawsuits in Alameda, Agoura Hills, Alamo, and across the state of California.
Zantac was first released as a prescription drug in the U.S. in the early 1980s. Zantac and generic ranitidine were available in both prescription and over-the-counter form. This drug was originally developed and patented by the European pharmaceutical company Glaxo (n/k/a GlaxoSmithKline). It was first approved and released as a prescription drug in Alameda in 1983. Glaxo invested millions in aggressively promoting the drug both to doctors and the general public.
People taking Zantac in Alameda California might have unknowingly been ingesting incredibly high levels of NDMA into their system on a daily basis. Even the lower levels of NDMA found in the FDA testing are alarming high, and much more than the accepted safe daily limits for NDMA. Given the known potential of NDMA to cause cancer in lab animals, Zantac users in Alameda may be a significantly increased risk of various types of cancers.
Our Alameda Zantac lawsuit attorneys believe that these claims are the tip of a gigantic mass-tort iceberg. Zantac and its generic equivalents were widely used. Literally millions of people in the U.S. used over-the-counter ranitidine medicines regularly for heartburn. This means that the size of potential claimants could be larger than any other defective drug cases.
As a result, a group of plaintiffs' lawyers have filed a motion to consolidate all of the pending cases in federal court to a single federal court. As the motion points out, the Zantac cases will "almost certainly dwarf the Valsartan litigation" (another NDMA MDL) because of the "ubiquity of Zantac and because the NDMA in Zantac is not an impurity that only recently made its way into the drug through shoddy manufacturing but is instead inherent to the drug’s molecular structure." This motion was granted in February 2020 and MDL No. 2924 was formed.
You Might Need a Alameda Zantac Lawyer
Drug companies fight back hard when their drugs are under attack, particularly when they are as profitable as things like Zantac. You can expect the drug manufacturers, particularly the generic manufacturers, to argue that there is preemption of any lawsuits because generic drugs have been held by the Supreme Court to be preempted in many cases. Why? The reason is that generic drugs must have a warning that is identical to their brand-name counterpart.
We don't think preemption will be a valid defense in the Alameda Zantac cases. Federal preemption is only a valid legal defense when the victims are claiming that the drug was defectively designed. But the Zantac cases are significantly different because they will not involve typical design defect allegations. Rather the primary theory in these cases will be defective manufacture of the drug as opposed to the typical duty to warn theory that lawyers usually pursue in these types of lawsuits.
We offer free Zantac lawsuit consultations in the following Alameda zip codes: 94501, 94502, 94606, 94621